Day 15 - May 7, 2012 (Episode 2)

Today was a travel day.  The plan was simply to take a bus back to Oslo, about a six hour drive.  We got going at about 10:00 and after a few extra stops, made it back about 4:30.  After that, we all ran to the mall real quick and when we got back to the hotel, Austin and I took a 2-mile run with a stop halfway through at an elementary school playground to do some pull-ups!  (Kind of awkward, but we made the best of the situation.)  After running, I showered up and met everyon for dinner.  We were able to go to Hotel 33 (our Oslo hotel) and it’s restaurant.  Great food!  Plus, all the staff know us as the cast of Alt for Norge, so we get a little more of the star treatment, which is weird, but I’m happy to take full advantage of it!

After dinner, myself, Alf, Dana, Barbara, Austin, CJ and Johnathan went to play cards and have asome drinks.  I bought us a bottle of whiskey, which is about three times more expensive than in America, but Dana shared his Crown Royal with the group, so I figured it was my turn.  Good times were had and we hung out for about 2 hours, then off to bed.  Alf and I were roommates for the night, which was good with me.  It was a little strange sharing a smaller queen size bed with a man Alf’s size, but he’s really easy to talk to, so we made the best of the situation.  Tomorrow, we head out again.  Not sure where, but we were told it involves a plane ride!

Since we had a short entry today, I thought I’d give a quick update on my thoughts on everyone in the cast and how they’ll finish, behind me of course!

1)      Austin – Much smarter than I originally gave him credit for and is definitely in shape and a threat in any physical challenges, although, I don’t know if he’s an “athlete”.

2)      Tara – Proving to be very well educated!  Just like Austin, she’s definitely in shape and may be a threat in physical challenges, but again, not sure if she’s an “athlete”.

3)      Alf – Seems very smart and very strong.  I wonder about his conditioning though, if it comes down to a physical/endurance challenge.

4)      C.J. – Probably my biggest surprise so far!  Turns out he’s the youngest here (I think), but probably the smartest!  He may struggle in physical activities, but will kill it in anything mental!

5)      Dana – He’s surprised me as well.  He’s proven himself to be very smart and a pretty good athlete.  I would be surprised if he’s in good shape though.  Plus, he’s taken the least amount of time to learn the language.

6)      Johnathan – Definitely knows the most Norske and facts about Norway, but doesn’t seem to be the best athlete here.  Although, he’s much better at the physical activities than I originally gave him credit for.

7)      Barbara – Very smart and well educated, but age and conditioning may play a factor, when we get a physical challenge.

8)      Jessica – She’s in shape and very smart, but has mentioned several times that she doesn’t like the “competitive” aspect of some of the cast members.  I think that lack of competitive drive may hinder her.

9)      Amy – Seems very smart, but seems to have some kind of ankle injury from the skiing competition.  That may come back to haunt her.

10)   Mary Caryl – Very educated!  Knows a lot of facts and is doing pretty well picking up the language.  She’s already proven that physical challenges are going to be very hard for her.  I could be wrong though.


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Day 14 - May 6, 2012 (Episode 2)

Today is elimination day!  Our first elimination!  With that, it was a very weird mood all morning.  We all got up around 7:30, had a small breakfast, and got on the bus at 9:00.  Everyone had to pack their bags too.  One, because we had a change of plans and are going to be spend the night at the ski lodge with the crew, and two, so the losing member would be packed and ready to go.  It must have been hard to pack for the five potential members that will be eliminated (Alf has the troll, so is immune.)

Our drive was about 30 minutes and it was pretty quiet, minus the occasional joke from Dana.  I tried to stay extra quiet, so as not to mess with anyone on the chopping block.  We got to the lodge and the Red Team immediately had to do some filming.  In the meantime, our team stayed in a separate room until the actual competition.  I spent that time studying all my Norske (Norwegian language).  Finally, the Red Team was asked to film the first portion of their challenge.  This is when our team was finally informed by Mama Christine on how the competition would play out.  This would be a two-part challenge.  The first part would involve the Red Team entering a ski lodge room filled with trinkets and memorizing as many of those trinkets as possible within an eight minute period, which would lead to the second part of the challenge.  After memorizing as many trinkets as possible, the whole group would enter a second room where they would find Henriette and a board covered with 36 photos of different, individual trinkets.  Some of those photo’d items were in the room, some were not.  Each member would take a turn choosing one of the items from the board that they believed was in the room.  The last member to correctly choose three photos would be eliminated from the competition and sent home!  The only catch to all of this was that the order of choosing photos for Part 2 would be determined by when you left the room from Part 1.  If you were the first to leave the room, you would be the first to choose.  Second to leave chooses second and so on.  Therefore, there was some definitely some importance in being one of the first ones out, but there was just as much importance in staying in the room as long as you can to take your time memorizing.

The Blue Team quickly was discussing what we would do if we had to be in there.  The overall thought was to not be the first one out, but also not the last.  However, if you were the last, go ahead and stay in the room for the remainder of your eight minutes.  We’ll see how it plays out!

Shortly after, things got started.  Our team wasn’t allowed to watch Part 1, so we had to stay in the next room and remain quiet, which was strange, because we could pretty clearly hear the noises coming from their room.  What happened was pretty amazing.  Apparently, they all went in with plans on staying for quite some time, however, CJ decided after only a couple minutes that he was good and left!  As soon as he hit the door, everyone else had the same strategy of being the second one out and dashed for the door!  Dana got out next  and would be second, Stephanie third, Jessica next and Barbara would be fifth and last.  (Barbara could have had another 5 minutes or so in the room, if she wanted, but was in such a hurry to beat Jessica, that she didn’t take advantage of the opportunity.  However, apparently her and Jessica were pretty close at the door, so I can’t blame her.)  This brought them to the second stage.  (Which actually would happen about 20 minutes later.  That’s how long it would take for the cameras to get moved to the second room and set up.  It was pretty intense waiting and I think it got the best of a couple of the Red Team members, with Dana even yelling out “Hurry the F%#@ UP!”)

Both teams entered the next room to find The Blue Team and Alf standing on one side, with Henriette and the photo board on the other side.  After finding their positions and a short introduction from Henriette, they began guessing.

CJ went first and pointed to a photo that Henriette would grab and flip over to discover a green dot, meaning it was correct and in the first room.  Then, Dana guessed right.  Then, Stephanie, a little hesitant, made her choice.  Henriette turned it over to reveal a red dot!  That object was not in the room!  Things continued on with everyone getting their first two guesses right, except for Stephanie!  She guessed both wrong the first time and started to nervously shake as soon as she noticed the second red dot.  CJ, on his third guess, would get his third green dot and was the first to be safe from elimination.  He joined our team and was himself shaking with nervousness!  At this point, you could really feel the anxiety in the room.  Even in the eyes of the 15 film crew members that were in the room with us, behind the cameras!  What an intense atmosphere!

Dana would go next and get one wrong.  Then, Stephanie finally got on the board with a correct guess.  Jessica and Barbara followed with wrong guesses.  Next, Dana got his third right and joined the safe side of the room.  With all the pressure on her, poor Stephanie missed her next guess!  It was now Stephanie with 1 point, Jessica with 2 and Barbara with 2.

Jessica went next and got hers right.  She was safe.  Then, with some build up from Henriette, reminding Barbara that she could be safe with a correct guess, as well as reminding Stephanie that she would go home if Barbara got it right, Barbara made her guess.  Henriette took her time, turned over the photo and there was a green dot!  It’s official!  Stephanie would be the first to leave the show!

Tears immediately started to flow from almost everyone in the room!  It was such a powerfully sad moment.  The director then asked Stephanie if she would like to say anything to the cast, which she agreed to, then delivered a speech that sounded as if it were rehearsed!  (It’s very possible it may have been.  From talking to others later, apparently, Stephanie spent the whole evening last night and the whole morning saying her goodbyes to different people.  I think she was in her own head before the competition even started!)  We then did the necessary hugs and crying (Although, I think Austin and I may have been the only ones to hold the tears back.  I think we’re both in game mode!)  Then, off she went!  That was the end of her trip.  We’re down to 11!

The Troll and I!  I can't tell who is better looking!
A closer look at The Troll!
After the competition (and after an hour of everyone, cast and crew, gathering themselves), they had us go into another room to get filmed having Cocoa and talking about our week, which would be used as the final scene from Episode 2.  It was at that point that Henriette walked in with the troll (The Norwegian Spirit Award).  I really had no idea on who it would go to.  There wasn’t anything that really stood out to me that anyone did that deserved it.  After some brief explanation, she turned to me and gave me the award!!  I’m officially safe from the next elimination and would be in Norway for a minimum of another 12 days!  Wow!  It was crazy news, but great news!  Looking back, I would have to say that I was really focused on staying as positive and helpful as possible.  I was constantly giving cast and crew high fives, doing anything possible to put others first, cleaned a lot at the cabins, and even carried two of Mary Caryl’s four bags multiple times.  Either way, I’m not sure if I’m totally deserving of it, but I’ll take it!

After filming the final scene, they took us back out to do interviews.  The interviews were pretty long this time, but understandably so.  Then, in a surprise, Stephanie walked out.  Apparently, she was being interviewed in one of the other rooms.  She came up and gave everyone a hug and one last goodbye.  Then, in an infamous moment for all of us, as she walked to the exit to leave for the last time, she turned to all of us and said, “I’d like to leave you with a little Burlesque!”  Then, pulled up to reveal her bra-covered boobs!  A true burlesque moment!  The door closed and she was gone.

C.J. showing off his skills as a standup comedian!
It was really funny!
We followed interviews with dinner and due to it being the end of filming for Episode 2 (plus the end of the intense day that was had), it seemed as though everyone was letting loose!  In fact, the majority of the cast and crew stayed up late into the night, having their share of drinks from the bar.  The first couple of drinks were on the production company, but the rest would be on us, but that didn’t seem to stop anyone!  (Okay, I may have added an extra drink or two to the productions tab.  Oops!  We’ll just call those Stephanie’s drinks.)  Anyways, by the end of the night, it had turned into a cast talent show!  Mary Caryl started things off by giving three different guys "special" dances, including a hotel employee and a crew member that had to excuse himself midway during the dance, due to receiving a phone call from his girlfriend!  Pretty funny, but all in good fun!  Next was CJ, who did some stand up.  It was really well done and funny!  Alf showed us all how to make farting noises with your elbow!  Johnathan did some swing dancing with a couple different crew members and Tara wrapped it all up with some songs on the piano!  A very talented group!  It was a lot of fun and the first time that the cast and crew partied together.  I eventually retired at 12:30.  CJ, my roommate for the night, came to bed at 1:30.  Tara and Dana closed down the shop for the cast members and went to bed at 2:00, but apparently there were several crew members that were up for another couple hours after that!

Johnathan and Mama Christine II (She was a designated Mama for
one day) getting their swing on!

What a crazy and emotional day, but a great way to wrap it all up!  We’re down to 11 and I’m guaranteed at least two more episodes!!


Tara showing off her skills on the piano!


C.J. and my room for the night. Not bad, but the showers were
definitely interesting. Wish I would have had shower shoes!


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Day 13 - May 5, 2012 (Episode 2)

Today is, in essence, a day off.  However, we are filming breakfast in the cabin, interviews and then dinner in the cabins.  Basically, we’ll be hanging out in these cabins all day!

Johnathan and Amy after a good night's sleep!
The Blue Cabin woke up around 8:30 today after a nice, full night’s sleep!  (We figured out the trick and started hanging any extra blankets, towels, clothes, plates, trays or whatever we could get our hands on, over all of the windows to block out the sun, which likes to come up around 3:30 A.M.!  Then, we had to wait around until 11:00 to film “breakfast”, which we kept pretty simple.  Just some sliced meats, vegetables, bread, jam, and of course, the crowd favorite, brunost (brown cheese).  A quick filming followed by some additional time to actually eat breakfast and the day was off.  (By the way, it was this morning that I discovered the mouth-watering flavor of Nugatti!  A chocolate-hazelnut spread that goes great on bread!  Or, as some people tried, on bread with brunost and jam!)

Sitting on top of a mountain, following a brief hike!  Check out my
Facebook Fan Page to see video and beautiful, mountainous terrain of Norway!
After breakfast, they were filming interviews which we knew were going to take a long time.  Because of that, Mama Brita allowed me to take a hike.  She gave me one hour, so I went as far and high as I could in 35 minutes, got some great pictures and video, then ran back.  The sights were absolutely amazing!  I’ve never been somewhere like that, all by myself, without another sign of life anywhere near, snow-covered mountains surrounding me on all sides!  Absolutely breath-taking!  The only worry that I had were the fresh wolf tracks that were all over the mountainside, but I pressed on.  The return was fun too.  Running downhill, with lots of snow, and being able to take some leaps off of some higher elevations to land in some soft snow!  Good times!  (Although, I didn’t push it too much, because I didn’t want to injure myself, possibly costing me the ability to move forward in the show.)

The Red Team doing some "reality" in preperation
for tomorrow's elimination challenge.
After getting back, I quickly realized the interviews were going way over their expected times.  Due to this, I was able to get two more shorter hikes in, in different directions, lunch, then a nap, all before I finally had my interview.  Because I was on the winning team, they weren’t as concerned about me, so my interview was pretty short.  On the other hand, the other team was not only doing incredibly long interviews, but they were also acting out “reality” scenes.  Nothing too crazy, but the director would basically set up a scene and let them take it from there.  (Example:  Have two members come outside on camera and talk about what it’s like knowing that you may have to go home.  After some talking, a third member would be cued to come out and continue the conversation.  Almost all of our filmed segments, that weren’t a competition, were a “reality” scene.)

There's nothing more manly than a Nordic Man reading Donald Duck!
(Although, Alf did have a great point, that reading children's books is
a great way to pick up the language.)
 Finally, they filmed us making dinner and sitting down to eat.  It was pretty good stuff.  Johnathan made a reindeer stew, without a recipe to follow!  He did a really good job and the reindeer was pretty good meat.  A little chewy, but pretty flavorful!  At that point, we were all in a good mood after some good food.  That was until we had our next “information” session.

After dinner, Mama Christine (she and Mama Ane worked for Mama Brita, rotating roles while taking care of the cast) informed us that the loser of tomorrow’s competition would get a small window afterwards to say goodbye to everyone, but would quickly jump into a car and head straight back to the Oslo airport!  Immediately, the mood completely changed!  Stephanie, who was on the losing team, was in tears and most of her teammates all got very quiet.  A very strange feeling, but made me so relieved to be on the winning team!

We hung out for a little while, playing more cards and learning a Norwegian game called “Americaner”.  (It was a pretty fun game, but could use some changes!)  Soon after, we were reminded that some people were trying to sleep and we should probably quiet down, so we took that cue to go to bed.  The Blue Team talked for a little bit before going to bed, trying to guess what the competition would be and who might be going home.  However, everyone’s minds were pretty heavy, knowing soon, one of our 12 would be heading home.  Tomorrow, everything changes!


Another shot of our cabins!  What an amazing setting!

It's hard to see, but there's a line of little
specs that are Norwegians climbing up the
mountain, to have a picnic, then ski down!

A further view of the mountain that those
hikers were set to conquer!


An abandoned cabin that I found on my hike.
Notice what they use to support a corner!

A closer look at the support used on that cabin!
I don't think this would pass code here in the states!

One of the wolf (I think) tracks that I found during my hike.
Must have been a pretty decent sized animal.  Luckily, I've
had practice with Tae Bo, thanks to Billy Blanks!

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Day 12 - May 4, 2012 (Episode 2)

Today was team competition day and would determine which team would be heading to the elimination challenge!  This was our most important day yet!  We’ve been building up to this point, but it’s weird to have it right in front of you now.  It’s getting real!  With that, pretty much every thought throughout the day had to do with focusing on this competition.

We started early, with a 7:30 breakfast and loading up some cars at 8:00.  I got about six hours of sleep, but was ready to go!  We had been informed that we would be outside all day, so all of us were assuming we would be skiing.  We just didn’t know if there would be more to it.

Henriette, the film crew, and our celebrity guest, Halvard Hanevold,
getting geared up to introduce us to our first competition.
We arrived at the crew’s hotel, which also doubled as our filming site for the day.  After a short wait in the hotel, we were brought out to meet Henrietta for our announcement of the competition.  At that point, we were introduced to Halvard Hanevold, who is a multiple Olympic medal winning (6 times!) biathlete!  At this point, we knew we were going to do a biathlon (cross country skiing and rifle shooting)!  Not to lie, this made me pretty nervous.  Mary Caryl, who was on our team, is most likely going to have the hardest time with this competition.  Immediately, I was apprehensive as to how we’d do as a team.
Mary Caryl getting a few shots in before the big competition.
After the announcements, they filmed us doing some practicing both on the skis and with the guns.  This further confirmed that this would be a very hard competition for Mary Caryl.  She was giving it her best, but she was having a hard time picking up the skiing and was missing the shooting targets by several feet with every shot.  Not good.  Johnathan and Amy looked like they may struggle as well, but were working hard at it.  As I assumed, Austin and Tara looked to be picking it up pretty quick.  Plus, Tara’s been on the shooting range several times before, so hopefully she’ll do pretty well.  Outside of that, the practice was a lot of fun.  We were able to do a lot of skiing and practiced shooting while lying down and from the standing position.   It was definitely easier to shoot while lying down, but standing up was fun too!

After practice, we gathered for lunch.  Austin, Tara and I sat together and discussed our thoughts on how the competition would go.  Sadly, we pretty much all thought it was a lost cause.  Not that we would give up, but looking at how the two teams stacked up, even with the timing advantage that they’ll be giving us for winning yesterday's packing competition, we didn’t see any chance that we could pull this one out.  Still, we did our best to strategize on how to lessen the chance of losing.

After lunch, we were told the rules for the competition.  It was going to be a relay race.  Each team member was to ski around a short course (200 meters or so) then up to the shooting range.  Each member would shoot five times at five targets, with the first three team members shooting while lying down and the second three standing up.  For every miss, they would add on 30 seconds to your total team time!  Then, you would ski down to your next team member, tag them and they would go.  They gave us a few moments to discuss the order and then asked us to tell them who would be going when.  They also told us that each team would go separately, so you didn’t know how each other did.  The Red Team would be going first.

While the Red Team was out for their turn, we were confined to a closed room, but used that time to continue discussing strategy.  We decided and asked Mary Caryl if she would be comfortable just shooting her rounds as fast as possible, knowing that she most likely wouldn’t hit anything anyways and this would help minimize her total time.  She agreed.  We also spent a lot of time visualizing the whole race, even going as far as to act out each part.  We were really focused!  Then, our mood changed when the Red Team came in.  They weren’t allowed to tell us how they did, but they all looked really happy and had a really positive attitude.  Things were not looking good.

The Blue Team! (Minus myself.  Someone had to take the photo.)
It was our turn.  We went out, still giving each other tips.  After some brief intros from Henrietta and Halvard, Mary Caryl was first to go and was off…..kind of.  It was an extremely slow pace mixed with a couple of falls.  Thankfully, she was able to get up somewhat quickly, which she struggled with in practice.  Then, she took her five shots at the target range, missing them all.  She got back up and actually finished her skiing pretty quickly.  Johnathan was next and did really well, hitting 4 of 5 targets and only falling a couple of times.  Austin, who was next, was definitely our MVP!  He fell one time, got up quickly and made his way to the shooting range hitting 5 of 5 shots!  Now, came the harder part.  Amy, Tara and I had to shoot standing up…..after skiing a lap!  Amy went next and really struggled with the skiing.  There was even a moment when she fell, got her skis tangled and looked really distraught.  Thankfully, she eventually got her skis untangled and made it up to the target range, hitting 3 of her 5 shots!!  I’ve had some previous experience with cross country skiing, so I was able to get around the course very quickly without any falls.  Although, I was so nervous to fall, I didn't go as fast as I was going in practice.  Unfortunately, I couldn’t get my body to settle down and missed 3 of my targets.  That was really frustrating.  Because I was breathing so hard, the target was constantly moving in my scope and I eventually was just pulling the trigger, hoping it was when I was focused in on the target.  That sucked!  Then, Tara was our closer.  She did pretty well on the skis, but also only hit 2 targets.  It was after that when I realized that Tara and I had that same competitive spirit.  We were both happy with the team, but extremely pissed at our own performances and it showed!  Now that it was over, it was obvious to all of us that we had just lost and would have to go to an individual competition to find out who would be going home.  (Quick embarrassing note:  When Tara was finishing up her lap, I was screaming at her to finish as fast as possible and that I would catch her.  Well, for some reason, I was worried we’d be disqualified if I touched her, so I pulled back right as she leaned across the line, falling to the ground!  Oops!  Then, to top it off, I felt so bad, I jumped on her to lift her spirits, kicking snow into her face!  Double oops!)

Following some more interviews, we had to go back in and hang out for a while before the big reveal, which was hard to do and try to look positive in front of the other team.  Eventually, we went out for the announcement of the winning team.  After some lead-in by Henriette and Halvard, Henriette got to the results.  One team had finished in just over 32 minutes and the other team finished in just over 30 minutes.  I was confident that we were the team with 32 minutes.  After the typical, prolonged, television silence, with Henriette staring at both teams, she finally said, “Congratulations…………BLUE TEAM!”  What?  We won?  WE WON!!  I was so unbelievably surprised that I threw my skis and shouted as loud as I could!  INCREDIBLE!  My mindset just flipped from figuring out how to persevere through the elimination challenge to knowing that I would be safe and staying in Norway for at least another 8 days!!  (Two more days of Episode 2, two rest/travel days, and four days for Episode 3.)  It was an amazing feeling, but quickly turned to a sad feeling, knowing someone else would be heading back to America in two days!

Our medal, given to us by Halvard, for winning.

After the results, we did our final interviews for the day and then moved inside, where we found out more about what had happened.  Apparently, their team had their struggles too, the biggest and most surprising was Dana coming up empty and missing all five of his targets!  (There was also an incident that involved Alf losing a pole and pushing on with just one pole.  The Norwegian crew really got a kick out of that, due to a famous moment in Noregian Olympic history where a skiier broke his pole, but was able to finish and win.  They even changed up their nationally famous phrase of "Where were you when Oddvar Braa broke his pole?" to "Where were you when Alf lost his pole?")
Tara getting interviewed after the big win!

Eventually, we had dinner in the hotel and then headed back to our cabins.  We made it back about 9:00 P.M., hung out for a few hours, playing cards and talking, then headed off to bed.  (There's a funny story here too.  With all of the card playing that we've been doing, we've come to learn that Johnathan has a hard time staying focused as well as understanding the rules of the game.  Alf on the other hand, is very focused and takes his cards pretty seriously.  Tonight, I was sitting in between the two when Johnathan played illegally for the third straight time.  I looked over only to see the anger in Alf's eyes.  I was pretty sure that he was about to swing on Johnathan, but cooler heads prevailed and we all had a good laugh.  We may have to set some new rules for Johnathan if he continues to play cards, especially with Alf!)  I think everyone was worn out after a very long and emotional day.  However, the Blue Cabin was assured to have a great night of sleep, knowing we would all be advancing to the next Episode!


A shot of the scene for our competition that day.

Myself with Halvard Hanevold.  A really nice guy!

A look at the Blue Cabin!
Home to the first winning team!

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