We got started early, around 9:00 a.m.. The plan was to film us waking up after our
night with the Swedes, however, most of us had gotten up a little earlier, ate
a breakfast and showered, so we had to get back into bed and act like we were
waking for the first time. With that,
I’ve discovered that I might be the best actor ever!
We were told that after that scene, we would immediately be
going to our second team challenge. As
with everything, it took a lot longer than anticipated. Instead of being there by 10:00 a.m., as we
were told was going to happen, we didn’t get there until 11:00, then had to sit
around and wait for another hour or so in the parking lot, before we finally
did any filming.
We were told to bring a change of clothes for this
competition, so we were very intrigued to see what they had in store for us. When we walked up to the camera area, we
discovered it was a large park. In the
middle of this park, we discovered six guys in Sweden shirts, Henriette, and
two tables full of whipped cream pies!
Looks like we were going to have a pie fight!
The night of drinking with the Swedes was difficult, but especially hard on Johnathan! He was a good man! |
The challenge was pretty simple. Both the Red Team, our team, and the Blue
Team would compete against a team of 3 Swedes, then the other team of 3 Swedes,
finishing it off with a head-to-head face-off with each other. For each round, each team had a table full of
15 pies filled with whipped cream. For
every pie that you could successfully land on an opposing player, you would
receive a point. If you land all 15
pies, you get 15 points. At the end of
the round, whichever team accumulated more points, would win that round. At the end of the three rounds, whichever
team, Red or Blue, with more wins, would be the ultimate winner and be safe
from the elimination challenge!
Because we won yesterday, our advantage was that the first
team of Swedes would only get 13 pies to our 15. Knowing this, our strategy going into that
first round was to avoid throwing any pies.
Simply, run up to their team and place them on them, regardless of
whether or not they got us with a pie.
If we don’t miss any of ours, we’re guaranteed to win that round!
![]() |
The Blue and Red Teams with the Swedes, pre-competition! |
With our plan in place, we got started against the first
team of Swedes. It was a ton of
fun! Slamming each other with these
pies! Plus, the grass was pretty slick
with whipped cream everywhere, so we were slipping and sliding everywhere! What a great competition! Plus, it was a little more physical, which we
haven’t done a ton of yet.
When the first round was all over, our plan seemed to have
worked out well. We weren’t sure, since
they didn’t give us the results until later, but from talking to Alf and
Johnathan, it sounded like they didn’t waste any pies and I know I didn’t. The next round seemed to go just as
well! I even got to pie a Swede in the
face!! After two rounds, we were pretty
sure that we had to have two victories under our belt. The only match left would be against the Blue
Team, which we felt pretty confident that we could win!
The Red Team after our fights with the Swedes! |
When we finally lined up to face off against the Blue Team,
it looked as though Austin was pretty clean following his first two rounds, but
Amy and C.J. looked as though they’ve been covered with the cream! This made me even more confident that we
could beat them. The director lined us
up and then told us to talk some trash to each other. At that point, what is now known as “The
Fury” came out of Johnathan! He went a
little crazy and said he may have even blacked out a little. What a nut!
We got things started and followed our strategy to a T. We had planned on not even going after
Austin, since he’s probably quicker and tougher to get, and just focus on going
after C.J. and Amy. It worked perfectly! Again, not sure what our final numbers were,
but we all felt pretty confident!
The Blue Team after facing off with the Red Team! |
At the results, not only was it announced that our team won,
but we destroyed all the other teams! We
were through to another week!! What a
great birthday present! Plus, this meant
that Austin would have to go to his first elimination challenge! I love that guy, but he’s one of my biggest
threats here, so if he had to go home, that would help me out a lot! (Although, there’s always that competitive
side of me that wants the best there at the end. In order to be the best, you have to beat the
After it was all over, we were a little bit messier and a whole lot smellier! |
After interviews, we went back to the apartments to
shower. It was the worst ride ever! We all smelled so incredibly bad and were
packed into this van. Plus, it was
really hot in the van and our driver ended up getting lost. What should have been 15 minutes turned into
45 minutes of awful!
When we finally got back, we all cleaned up and gave our
clothes to Mama Ane to get cleaned. (By
the way, the worst part was the first 30 seconds of the shower. The hot water reactivated the cream and the
smell was over-whelming!) After showers,
Mama Christine and Mama Ane ordered some delivery for dinner, which we consumed
in the Red Team’s apartment. Because it
was my birthday, I felt I should partake in my birthday presents (Austin got me
a bottle of whiskey, Jessica got me a bottle of whiskey, Amy got me a small
thing of Jagermeister, and the Crew got me a bottle of Aquavit! Might be a bad sign if everyone thinks I
should have liquor as my presents!
Ha!) I invited everyone to join
me, which I didn’t think they would do since we all drank the night before, but
I was wrong. Everyone except for Austin
had a drink (I can’t break that kid! He’s
incredibly disciplined!) Amazingly, over
the next few hours, we finished all the liquor and were all telling stories our
“first times”! As a group, we’ve grown
incredibly close! It’s amazing how close
all of our relationships have come!
Definitely going to be good friends with a lot of these people for a
long while!
When we were finished with the liquor, Jessica, Amy and I decided that we should return that skateboard that we “borrowed” the night before. The three of us made our way to find the house, which we weren’t too sure we would, since we were slightly inebriated the night before. After a little searching, we found something that looked very similar. We pulled out our camera and looked at some photos from the night before and noticed a chandelier in the window that matched one of our photos. We knew it was the right one, so we snuck up, dropped off the skateboard and a note apologizing for taking the board. Hopefully, they’ll understand and find it funny!
Jessica, Amy and I after returning the "borrowed" skateboard. |
When we were finished with the liquor, Jessica, Amy and I decided that we should return that skateboard that we “borrowed” the night before. The three of us made our way to find the house, which we weren’t too sure we would, since we were slightly inebriated the night before. After a little searching, we found something that looked very similar. We pulled out our camera and looked at some photos from the night before and noticed a chandelier in the window that matched one of our photos. We knew it was the right one, so we snuck up, dropped off the skateboard and a note apologizing for taking the board. Hopefully, they’ll understand and find it funny!
After returning the skateboard, we walked around and found a
bar that was open. We sat down and had a
couple of drinks. I befriended a guy in
the bar and asked him to join us. He was
a little strange, but it made it fun! We
made our way back around 3:00 a.m. and called it a night.
It was a very good birthday!
Good times with good friends, a second team victory and a lot of
birthday wishes from cast and crew! A
very good day!! (Although, I hope we get
to celebrate again when I get back….if you know what I mean!)
Day 42 Over!
Amy didn't fair too well!
The Swedes after competing against each other!
Our opponents that day! We took them down!
We discovered that Austin and Jessica have some
freaky feet! Here's a shot of Mr. Web-toes and
Mrs. One King and Four Pawns!
Amy giving me a ride on the skateboard.
We discovered that skateboards are a lot easier
to ride sitting down than standing up!
A shot of the skateboard and our apology letter.
Jessica riding a stranger who made
the mistake of giving us directions
to the next bar!
Amy and I with the bartender that night. We weren't
allowed to use the internet, so we convinced her to
pull up "Euphoria" for us!
Myself and some stranger that
bought us drinks!
(Expand the "Blog Archive" to the right to find additional entries.)
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