Day 45 - June 6, 2012 (Episode 7)

Today was pretty boring all day, but ended up with a very special event!  It will definitely be one of my fondest memories!

Because it was an off day and we all drank the night before, all of us slept in, except for Alf and Amy.  The two of them had to go to a press conference and represent our show.  TV Norge, who owns three different TV channels, was going to have their Fall Season Release Party and we are invited!  We didn’t know what was in store for us, but it sounded like it was going to be a blast!

I woke up around 10:00 a.m. and went for a run in Vigeland Park.  (It wasn’t the best run, due to all the drinking this week, but I tried to power through it, to work some of the alcohol out of my system.)  Then, I came back and had a small breakfast.  Shortly later, Mama Brita came back with Alf and Amy in tow.  She called us all in and had us sit down for some “information”.  Apparently, the production team had some concerns and asked her to address them with the remaining cast.  She informed us that they had two requests.  The first was to tone down the amount of swearing that we’re doing on camera.  This was surprising, seeing that cussing is okay on Norwegian TV, but apparently, we were doing too much of it.  I don’t think I’ve done much of it on camera, maybe only a word or two, but off camera, I have a tendency to say “Lykke Til Mother F#@*er”  (Good Luck Mother F’er) in a Samuel L. Jackson type fashion, prior to competitions.  I think that some of the cast has started using that phrase on camera and that’s not coming off well with what the producers want.  The second request was to tone down our drinking!  She said that we can feel free to do what we want on off days, but apparently this week of drinking that’s surrounded my birthday has left some of the cast members lacking the necessary energy that the directors would like on camera.  Oops!  (I will say though, I think I was fine and had the same energy on camera.  I think it’s these younger cast members.  They haven’t quite been able to learn how to handle their booze as well.  All spoken like a true alcoholic, huh?!)  Then, in a really funny transition, Mama Brita reminded  us that there would be no filming tomorrow and tonight is going to be a fun night, so feel free to do what we’d like!  Ha!  That whole cutting back on drinking thing didn’t last long!

Showing off my Julia Roberts, red-carpet skills!
After the conversation, we all got dressed and ready to go.  Since it was nice party, they told us to wear our dressiest clothes, which for Alf is a kilt!  To see this man in a kilt, along with his sleeveless shirt and a drinking horn is quite the sight!  We headed out at 4:30 and took a taxi to a place called FolkeTeatre.  When we got there, we realized how big an event this was.  You were greeted with champagne and there was a backdrop for celebrities to take pictures in front of.  Unfortunately, because the show hasn’t aired yet, we weren’t quite celebrities yet, so we had to take our own photos in front of it.  For the next hour or so, we just hung out and drank free beer.  Then, everyone except for Alf and Amy went inside the theater to take a seat.  Those two headed backstage.  Apparently, they were going to be interviewed live, onstage!

Alf, Amy and Henriette getting interviewed by The Ylvis Brothers!

Inside the theater, there were about 500 people and then the owner of TV Norge came out and did some opening stuff.  Next, they played a video that had trailers for all of the Fall shows.  Ours came up first.  There I was on the big screen!  It was only for a second, but it was still pretty amazing to see!  After the video, the Ylvis brothers, who apparently host a popular TV show in Norway, came out and were the hosts for the evening.  Over the next hour they would bring out a couple of people from each show, show a video of the show, then interview them for a few minutes.  Alf, Amy, and Henriette came out about half way through.  They did a great job even though most of the interview was in Norske.

The post-premiere party! Apparently, filled with a ton of Norwegian celebrities!
After the show was over, we went outside for a mingling party.  We spent about an hour having free drinks and food.  Then, at nine, we headed upstairs to a rooftop party.  There we were, the six of us, Mama Brita, Marianne (the production manager), Steinar (the executive producer), and Sverra (also an executive producer), hanging out at an exclusive club, drinking for free and watching three different DJ’s performances, all well being surrounded by some of the biggest names and celebrities in Norwegian TV!  It was a really good time!  (By the way, remember to look up Lito Lito and Ylvis when we get back.)  Also, good to note is how to say “shall we f#%@?”  It’s Skal ve knulle?!  If my speaking Norwegian turned you on before, that should seal the deal!

Take one good look at Amy to understand how
good a party this was!  One of my favorite photos!
At 1:00 we jumped in a taxi bus to go home.  In what was one of the funnier moments of our time there, Amy was completely wasted, to the point where walking was a little bit of a struggle!  After saying some of the funniest drunken things ever on the way home, I had to basically carry her up six flights of stairs!  After helping her get to her bedroom, we left her in the hands of Jessica and Mama Brita, and the rest of us hung out for an hour or so and talked about how cool the night was.  It was a really cool time and these types of behind-the-scenes moments are some of my favorite and most memorable!!

What a great night!


Day 45 Over!!


Johnathan on the Red Carpet!

Amy and I on the Red Carpet!

A shot of the house band for the night.

The owner of TV Norge doing the introductions.

The Ylvis Brothers making a grand entrance.

Alf, Amy and Henriette getting interviewed.

A close up of the interview.  Notice how Alf
is very focused on keeping that kilt down!

Had to take a shot of this interview.  What a great
concept for a show!  If I understood it right, they
took adults with Down Syndrome and film them
rehauling a boat, so that they could eventually
take it out to sea!  I love the idea!!

Doing our TV Norge pose!

Jessica and Executive Producer Steinar.

Johnathan and I having a great time!

Outside of the club.  Gotta love C.J.!

Lido Lido!

Jessica and a celebrity!  Jessica
loved her legs!

One of the guys from the house band.  He taught
us some great lines to use on our loved ones!

Johnathan and Production
Manager Marianne.

Alf rocking Jessica's scarf!

Alf rocking Jessica's scarf and Jessica!

Amy getting her drink on!

Myself and Executive Producer Steinar!  Love that name!
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